- Take some bass lessons. I'm a pretty basic bass player, and I'd love to improve my skills, and maybe learn some new ones, like playing "walking" bass lines.
- Play guitar more. I didn't play guitar much last year and I miss it.
- Learn Spanish. I took a Spanish class in 2008 and would like to continue to study it. Right now I can order in a restaurant, greet people, and talk about the weather but beyond that, forget it.
- Continue to exercise. This past year I got into the habit of going to the Y and getting some exercise on a regular basis. It's paid off: I feel better, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are just fine.
- Lose the 5 pounds I gained in 2008 and lose another 5 pounds. In order to do that, I need to get a little more "South Beach-y." The South Beach diet helped me change my eating habits and get my "vital signs" where they should be.
- Read more. In the last half of '08 I started reading more than I usually do, and I enjoyed it a lot. I want to continue that in 2009.
- Get to know my grandkids. Lori you've met. I'm looking forward to watching her grow. My grandson is coming in early February. I'm so excited to meet him!
- Keep growing at work. It's easy for me to go from task to task and not spend as much time as I should thinking long term, where I'd like to take my career.
- Be more positive. Those who know me know that I tend to be a worst-case-scenario guy. I don't think it's upbringing; it's just how I'm wired. I've made some progress rerouting my wiring this past year. Gotta continue that in 2009.
That'll do for now. How about you?
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