Friday, January 2, 2009

Things I'd Like To Do In 2009

They say New Year's resolutions are made to be broken, so I'll just call them "things I'd like to do in 2009." Here's my incomplete list:
  • Take some bass lessons. I'm a pretty basic bass player, and I'd love to improve my skills, and maybe learn some new ones, like playing "walking" bass lines.
  • Play guitar more. I didn't play guitar much last year and I miss it.
  • Learn Spanish. I took a Spanish class in 2008 and would like to continue to study it. Right now I can order in a restaurant, greet people, and talk about the weather but beyond that, forget it.
  • Continue to exercise. This past year I got into the habit of going to the Y and getting some exercise on a regular basis. It's paid off: I feel better, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are just fine.
  • Lose the 5 pounds I gained in 2008 and lose another 5 pounds. In order to do that, I need to get a little more "South Beach-y." The South Beach diet helped me change my eating habits and get my "vital signs" where they should be.
  • Read more. In the last half of '08 I started reading more than I usually do, and I enjoyed it a lot. I want to continue that in 2009.
  • Get to know my grandkids. Lori you've met. I'm looking forward to watching her grow. My grandson is coming in early February. I'm so excited to meet him!
  • Keep growing at work. It's easy for me to go from task to task and not spend as much time as I should thinking long term, where I'd like to take my career.
  • Be more positive. Those who know me know that I tend to be a worst-case-scenario guy. I don't think it's upbringing; it's just how I'm wired. I've made some progress rerouting my wiring this past year. Gotta continue that in 2009.

That'll do for now. How about you?

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