There's no particular message for this post; I'm just braggin'!

Check out the latest phone photo of Loretta Joy (Lori) Hernandez, doing her
Tito Puente impression on those
timbales... I mean plastic congas. Note the similarities between her smile and the smiley faces. Now that is one cute, happy baby! Oh, I'm sure she has her cranky moments, but most of the photos I've seen are like this.

The photo at the left is from a few weeks ago. She could get up on hands and knees but hadn't figured out the hand and leg thing. So she'd just sort of worm her way along, like the seals at Ano Nuevo (now there's an unflattering image!).
I have heard (and phone videos have proven) that she is now mobile. She's definitely a physical kid, just like her mom, full of energy and life. Looks like it's time to put the baby latches on the drawers and cabinets!
I will witness Lori's amazing talents first hand when Trudi and I fly out to Houston for Thanksgiving. In the meantime, don't mind me... I'm just braggin'!
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