I know it's been off the air for a while -- aside from its long, long run on cable -- but Trudi and I missed it the first time around. Dana and Jorge turned us on to it a while ago when we were visiting in Houston, and we decided to Netflick it from Episode 1 through the very last episode.
We're wrapping up season 7 (out of 9). Like my son-in-law Ryan, I think I like the lighthearted, slightly quirky episodes the best. Here are a couple of my favorites...
"Post-Modern Prometheus" -- In this episode, Mulder and Scully visit a small town to investigate reports of miraculous pregnancies, and encounter a mad scientist who's been doing genetic experiments, along with a modern Frankenstein-like monster. Done in black and white, this campy episode is a send-up of classic horror movies. The ending sequence, with Cher's "Walking in Memphis" as background music, is a fine finish to a great episode.
"The Unnatural" -- This is one for baseball fans, particularly those who know a bit about the so-called Negro League that paralleled -- and from a quality-of-play perspective surpassed -- the white Major Leagues during the first half of the 20th century. Mulder follows up on a story about a baseball player in the 1940s who played for a minor league team in Roswell. There's something unusual about the ball player, and the truth behind his other-worldly skill comes out over the course of the episode.
"Hollywood, A.D." -- A hollywood writer and college friend of FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner shadows Mulder and Scully on a case involving a mysterious religious artifact: the Lazarus bowl. The end result is a totally silly FBI movie about Mulder and Scully starring Garry Shandling and Tia Leone in the title roles. My description doesn't do this one justice. Suffice to say that it appears that everybody had a really fun time filming this one.
We're just about to get into the last two seasons, in which new characters are brought in. We're definitely on a home stretch. I've Netflicked the new X-files movie. Can't wait 'til it's out!
My favorite light hearted one is the one where they visit the town with the vampires, but Mulder and Scully are each telling the story from their point of view. Hilarious.
Be sure to watch the X-Files movie as well, it is excellent.
Ah yes, that was a great episode. I love the banter between Mulder and Scully.
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